Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Google's Animated Doodle Honoring Martha Graham - Frame by Frame

I was struck by the fluidity of movement in today's Google Animated Doodle. The animation celebrates what would have been the 117th birthday of dance and choreography icon Martha Graham. Her work is presented via a sketchily animated dancer who morphs through a series of Graham's signature moves including the shrouded figure from "Lamentation". It's absolutely beautiful. Though Google's logos are always a nice treat this one in particular really impressed me. I had to dig a little deeper and in doing so discovered it is the work of artist Ryan Woodward. His website seems be to partially down  perhaps due to unexpected site traffic but I was able to find a cached illustrations page  as well as a cached short films page showcasing more of his animated shorts. He's definitely one to follow on Twitter
And for the cherry on the sundae take a look at the Google logo frame by frame. Now that's a treat!